A problem phoenix

Another unwelcome Phoenix palm

October 5, 2019

As I’ve explained, most tree problems were caused a long time ago when previous owners planted the wrong tree in the wrong location.

And this unwelcome Phoenix palm is another example.

Firstly, it’s much too close to the house. Big trees have big roots and this tree’s roots are damaging drains and cracking the driveway.

Secondly, the crown of a palm tree provides a wonderful home for vermin such as rats and pigeons. In fact, the home owner has taken to shooting the rats with an air rifle! (Carefully, of course.)

My team can remove any type of unwanted tree, but it’s interesting to see how often we’re being called to remove Phoenix palms.

In an earlier post, I pointed out that Phoenix palms are dangerous, accounting for half of all hand surgery in New Zealand. Many regional councils now classify the Phoenix as a pest plant.

If you have an unwelcome phoenix palm, call me and arrange a free quote to remove the tree.

P.S. We’ll grind the stump below ground level, so the driveway can be repaired. We can do the same for you, of course.